

Third National Party

Presidential ​Nominee


Our heartfelt condolences ​go out to

all that we lost and still ​yet to find.

Pic: Face book contributor

Angeline Payne is a 2024 Presidential nominee for the National American independence party, a new National Party.

She has been married for 30 years and the mother of six.

She is the President of the South Fulton Human Services Coalition and one of the founders of the new third National Party, the National American Independence Party. She is a community advocate that knows how to bridge communities with their local, state and federal representatives busnesses, services, law enforcement and our bureaucracies that affect our communities.

She is the Chancellor of Black Wallstreet Institute an online School that teaches economic ​stability through personal financial literacy and positive cognitive behavior. The ESP ​program, Economic Stabilization Planning

She is a legislative liason and works to educate representives and community members ​about the constitution and our roles as citizens and servent leaders through her training ​program Community Civics 101.

She believes in the Constitution and the American way of life and that we bare No Labels, ​for we are Cultural Americans and our future is based on a 360 degree circle of concern ​around our children in education, community, industry and law enforcement that teaches ​us how to be responsible for our Behavior and respectful of all citizens by way of the ​community where the heart of America beats.


  • Executive secretariat skills,
  • Community Economic development experience,
  • Presidency of a community organization,
  • Organizational logistic skills,
  • Legislative Liason
  • Economic Stabilization Planner
  • Attorney in fact (Pro Se)
  • Family values
  • Student of foreign Language
  • District captain for Convention of States
  • Daughter and sister of military Veterans
  • Aircraft mechanic by trade


On a crisp November day in 2022, I stood before a ​gathering of supporters while saluting and thanking ​our Veterans for allowing us to be here, I then ​announced my intention to run for the highest ​executive office in the land. As I looked out over the ​crowd, I felt a profound sense of responsibility and ​purpose. The challenges facing our nation were clear​—rising inflation, a broken immigration system, and ​escalating crime rates. I knew that with my unique ​blend of experiences and strengths, I could bring ​about the change our country so desperately needed.


For over 30 years, I have dedicated my life to serving ​my community. As an executive secretary, I honed ​my organizational and logistical skills, ensuring that ​every project ran smoothly and efficiently. My tenure ​as president of a community organization taught me ​the value of collaboration and the power of bringing ​people together to achieve common goals. In the ​realm of community and economic development, I ​have worked tirelessly to create opportunities and ​improve the financial lives of those around me.


But perhaps my most significant role has been that of a ​mother and a wife. Raising and homeschooling six children ​and maintaining a challenged marriage for three decades has ​given me a deep understanding of the importance of family ​values and the pivotal role that a stablized, nurturing home ​environment plays in shaping the future of our children, ​communities and nation. I believe that every American family ​deserves the support and resources necessary to thrive, and ​this belief has been a driving force behind my candidacy, with ​the view that community and our countries stability starts at ​home.


As the months passed, my campaign realized that with the two-party ​system being so entrenched and partisan media coverage Shadow ​banning other presidential nominees, that we had to do something ​differently, after several strategy meetings we decided that since we ​are in the technology and information age that we would go in a ​another direction rather than relying on mainstream media. I browsed ​the different mediums, listening to the concerns of everyday ​Americans and looked for ways to share my vision for a united, ​prosperous nation. I emphasized the need to move beyond divisive ​identity labels and embrace our shared identity as 'cultural ​Americans.' It was a message of unity and hope, resonating deeply ​with people from all walks of life who was looking for someone that ​would talk about the issues and outline solutions.

With the strengths I have cultivated over my career—my executive ​secretariat skills, my experience in community and economic ​development, my leadership in community organizations, and my ​unwavering commitment to family—I know that I have the tools and ​the vision to lead our nation forward. I am running for president not ​for personal glory, but to ensure a brighter and attractive future for ​our children, and a more unified future for all Americans, by removing ​the labels and living as Cultural Americans. Together, we can build a ​country where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, where our ​communities are safe, prosperous, and thriving as one nation, ​indivisible. I see us standing united.

This is my story, and this is my promise to you. Join me on this ​journey, and together, we will make history and America will win.



On July 7th, 2024, my hard work and dedication were rewarded when I ​received the official nomination for the presidency, from our newly ​formed National Party: the National American independence party. It ​was a moment of immense pride and humility. I stood before my ​party, reaffirming my commitment to tackling the critical issues of our ​time and to serving every American with integrity and compassion.

World War II Soldier Playing Taps







Our policy on inflation, while managing ​the U.S. debt strategically could play a ​role in controlling inflation, it's not a silver ​bullet. It requires careful balancing of ​fiscal policies, market expectations, and ​economic conditions, bought about by the ​the supply and demand of businesses, ​services and citizens in our communities.



3. Risks:

- Interest Rate Fluctuations: Interest rates can rise ​unexpectedly, making debt more expensive to ​service, which could lead to higher inflation if the ​government resorts to more borrowing.

- Long-Term Consequences: Aggressive debt ​management could lead to reduced investment in ​public goods and services, potentially harming long-​term economic growth, this is why it is important to ​make sure that we are managing all long-term ​situations in short-term units, so that we're able to ​see a completion of each unit before we move on to ​the next phase of keeping the rates under control as ​consumer confidence grows and supply and ​demand meets the needs of the citizens.



1. Debt Management and Inflation:

- Issuing Long-Term Debt: The government could ​issue more long-term debt to lock in low-interest ​rates, reducing the cost of debt servicing over ​time. However, this doesn't directly reduce ​inflation, but with management it is an obtainable ​result.

- Debt Monetization: If the Federal Reserve buys ​government debt (monetizing it), this increases ​the money supply, which can lead to higher ​inflation, not lower. However, in the short term, it ​can reduce interest rates and stimulate the ​economy, through community economic ​development.



2. Policy's impact on Inflation:

- Fiscal Policy: Managing debt strategically can ​impact fiscal policy. For example, reducing ​government spending or increasing taxes to lower ​the deficit can reduce demand in the economy, ​potentially lowering inflation.

- Market Perceptions: Aggressive debt ​management could signal to markets that the ​government is serious about controlling inflation, ​potentially stabilizing expectations. However, if ​not handled carefully, it could lead to a loss of ​confidence and higher inflation expectations, this ​is why community economic stabilization planning ​for citizens is so important.



Stack-decking the U.S. debt, or strategically ​managing debt enables us the pay off our ​smaller to higher level debts while controlling ​economic outcomes, it is an approach that ​could theoretically influence inflation, but ​the management strategies must be adhered ​to for the desired results of carefully lowering ​the debt in small units will easing inflation, by ​replenching the supply and demand of goods ​and services in our communities.



The Citizenship Gateway Initiative: it is our aim to ​transform the U.S. immigration process into a more ​secure, efficient, and equitable system.

By centralizing the process at the border and ​ensuring that all entrants are full citizens upon ​entry, we protect American resources, maintain ​national security, and uphold the integrity of U.S. ​citizenship.

Immigration has become uncontrollable, depleting ​resources in our sanctuary States and leading to ​overcrowding of housing, services and facilities.

This policy reflects a commitment to welcoming ​new citizens in a way that is orderly, fair, and ​beneficial for the country as a whole.



The Citizenship Gateway initiative will be a building ​erected along the border of our border states, the ​entire length, that will be utilized to process ​individuals who are coming up from our southern ​country to migrate into America. All services will be ​provided at this facility and will house individuals ​for the duration of their process for citizenship.

This will allow individuals who are actually seeking ​asylum to have all the resources available in one ​place, while in comfort and protection they we'll be ​able to streamline their process of becoming an ​American citizen and moving into the country into a ​known location with all their proper documentation ​and rights installed, before entering the country.



1. The Citizenship Gateway Building:

- Structure: Instead of building a wall, the U.S. will ​construct a continuous building along key points of ​the border that will serve as the central hub for all ​immigration processes. This facility will be the only ​legal entry point for aspiring American citizens.

- Functionality: The building will house all ​necessary immigration services, including legal, ​medical, educational, and housing facilities. It will ​operate as a self-contained ecosystem where ​individuals undergo the entire citizenship process—​from application to approval—within the same ​complex.

- Security: The Citizenship Gateway will be heavily ​secured and monitored to ensure that no one ​enters the U.S. without going through the legal ​process.



2. Streamlined Citizenship Process:

- Expedited Processing:The citizenship process ​will be overhauled to reduce processing times ​significantly. This will include increased staffing, ​technological upgrades, and simplified procedures ​to ensure that individuals can become full-fledged ​citizens quickly and efficiently.

- Housing and Support: While awaiting the ​completion of their citizenship process, individuals ​will be housed comfortably within the Citizenship ​Gateway complex. They will receive basic ​necessities, healthcare, and access to educational ​programs that prepare them for life as American ​citizens.

- One-Step Citizenship: Upon completion of the ​process, individuals will receive all necessary ​documentation, identification, and rights as ​American citizens before they are allowed to exit ​the complex and enter the U.S.



3. Strict Control of Resources:

- Exclusive Access for Citizens: Only American ​citizens will have access to federal resources, ​benefits, and services. Non-citizens will not be ​eligible for any state or federal assistance within ​the U.S.

- State Autonomy:States that choose to provide ​resources to non-citizens will do so at their own ​expense. These states will not receive additional ​federal funding to support such efforts. This ​ensures that federal resources are reserved strictly ​for legal American citizens. This policy will be ​enforced by all federal branches.



4. Elimination of Illegal Entry and Dispersal:

- Controlled Entry:No one will be able to enter ​the U.S. without first becoming a full citizen ​through the Citizenship Gateway. This ​eliminates the current issue of illegal entry and ​the subsequent dispersal of undocumented ​individuals throughout the country.

- Tracking and Accountability: The new system ​will ensure that all individuals who enter the U.S. ​are documented, trackable, and accountable. ​This reduces the risk of illegal immigration and ​ensures that all residents have undergone the ​proper legal process to be a citizen of this ​country.

• Organized Crime: Can not operate without ​help from us, this policy will shut the doors of ​our participation.



The Citizenship Gateway Initiative aims to ​transform the U.S. immigration process into a ​more secure, efficient, and equitable system.

By centralizing the process at the border and ​ensuring that all entrants are full citizens upon ​entry, we protect American resources, maintain ​national security, and uphold the integrity of U.S. ​citizenship.

This policy reflects a commitment to welcoming ​new citizens in a way that is orderly, fair, and ​beneficial for the country as a whole.



The issue with crime is that it is usually a family ​member or relative in our community that is ​committing the crime, and family enabling the ​individual who is committing the crime be it a petty ​crime or felony. To help reduce crime it is very ​important that we find ways to build crime out of ​our communities rather than just arresting ​individuals who receive no substantial ​rehabilitation.

To reduce crime in communities we will foster ​active citizen engagement with businesses, ​services, legislative bodies, bureaucracies, and law ​enforcement.

This policy will ensure businesses contribute to ​community development, provide opportunities for ​displaced workers, and create safe environments ​for youth.



Community-Engagement Crime

Build out Policy

We aim to empower citizens, ​ensure businesses and services are ​accountable, and create a safer, ​more connected community where ​crime is actively deterred through ​collaboration and proactive ​engagement.



1. Citizen Engagement & Empowerment

- Community Education Programs:** Develop ​educational initiatives that teach citizens how ​to effectively engage with local businesses, ​services, and governmental bodies. This ​includes understanding the roles and ​responsibilities of these entities and the ​proper channels for reporting concerns or ​violations.

- Community Watch Initiatives: Encourage ​the formation of neighborhood watch ​programs where citizens work in collaboration ​with law enforcement to monitor and report ​suspicious activities. Provide training on how ​to use technology and social media ​responsibly to enhance safety without ​infringing on privacy.



2. Business Accountability & Workforce Development

- Business Certification Program: Implement a ​certification program that recognizes businesses ​actively contributing to community welfare by hiring ​locally, particularly through work-source programs ​aimed at displaced workers.

- Mandatory Workforce Training Partnerships: Require ​businesses to partner with local work-source programs ​to train and employ residents, ensuring they have the ​necessary skills for available jobs. This includes offering ​internships, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training ​for youths and adults.

- Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits of businesses ​and services to ensure they are legitimate and serving ​the community's needs. Implement strict penalties for ​businesses found to be fronts for illegal or criminal ​activities.



3. Youth Engagement & Development

- Youth Activity Centers: Establish and maintain youth ​activity centers that provide safe spaces for recreation, ​learning, and development. Partner with local schools, ​businesses, and non-profits to offer a wide range of ​after-school programs, including sports, arts, and STEM ​education.

- Mentorship Programs: Launch mentorship programs ​that connect local professionals, businesses, and law ​enforcement officers with youth. These programs aim ​to build positive relationships, provide guidance, and ​offer opportunities for skill development and career ​exploration.

- Community Service Projects: Involve youth in ​community service projects that improve the local ​environment, such as clean-up drives, urban gardening, ​and beautification efforts. These activities foster a ​sense of responsibility and pride in their communities.



4. Service Quality & Integrity

- Service Performance Reviews: Implement a system for ​citizens to rate and review local services, ensuring they ​meet community standards. Establish a transparent ​mechanism for addressing complaints and ensuring ​continuous improvement.

- Community Service Hubs: Create centralized hubs ​where citizens can access multiple services in one ​location, reducing the complexity of navigating ​bureaucracies. These hubs will provide assistance with ​job placement, housing, healthcare, and legal aid.

- Legal and Regulatory Oversight: Strengthen the ​oversight of community services through regular ​inspections and legal frameworks that prevent misuse ​of resources. Establish a whistleblower protection ​program for citizens and employees who report illegal ​activities.



5. Law Enforcement Integration

- Community Policing: Expand community policing ​initiatives where law enforcement officers are assigned ​to specific neighborhoods, allowing them to build ​relationships with residents, understand local issues, ​and respond proactively to potential threats.

- Public Safety Committees: Establish public safety ​committees composed of citizens, business owners, ​and law enforcement representatives. These ​committees will meet regularly to discuss crime trends, ​community concerns, and strategies for improvement.

- Transparent Crime Reporting: Ensure that crime ​reporting is transparent and accessible to the public. ​Provide regular updates on crime statistics, ongoing ​investigations, and community safety measures.



6. Legislative & Bureaucratic Collaboration

- Policy Advocacy Groups: Form policy advocacy ​groups within communities to ensure local legislation ​reflects the needs and priorities of residents. These ​groups will work with elected officials to advocate for ​laws that promote safety, economic opportunity, and ​social services.

- Streamlined Bureaucratic Processes: Simplify ​bureaucratic processes to make it easier for citizens to ​access services, report issues, and participate in ​community governance. Implement online portals and ​mobile apps to facilitate these interactions.



Implementation Strategy:

- Pilot Programs: Start with pilot programs in high-need ​areas, assess effectiveness, and gradually expand to ​other communities.

- Funding: Secure funding through public-private ​partnerships, government grants, and community ​fundraising initiatives.

- Monitoring & Evaluation: Establish a robust ​monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress, ​identify challenges, and make necessary adjustments ​to the policy.






Lens flare light

Our Party

The National American ​Independence party


Consent of the people who

are being governed

Black grunge square brush. Rectangular frame

Dr. A'Cire


Keith Barber

Avatara Quab

Liliana Marie


Ha rwell







Black grunge square brush. Rectangular frame





Every 2 and 4 years we have our local, ​state, and federal candidates coming ​into our neighborhoods telling us all ​the promises that they feel that we ​want to hear, getting elected and then ​leaving our communities in squalor.

That day has ended!




Americans have now been gifted ​with a political organization that ​cares about the American way of ​life, Americans that understand ​the Constitution, who also ​understands that the citizens are ​the boss, due to servant leaders ​having the consent of the governed ​and are trained and mentored to ​be servant leaders.

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Glitter Gold Star
light lens flare wing wing

The National American ​Independence party members are ​American conservatives who ​believe that America is a country ​of mosaic people of many different ​cultures, (Cultural Americans) and ​that the people of America were ​given a constitution that has ​guided us for more than 250 years ​and that the American dream is ​well and alive and that it is our ​responsibility not only to our ​children to make sure that they ​have an attractive future but for ​those who seek us as a beacon of ​Freedom, Life, Liberty and the ​Pursuit of Happiness to pass the ​Torch.

Glitter Gold Star
Shooting Star Icon

the American people have a ​responsibility and understand ​their role as voters, and that if ​they want change then they have ​to be that Change agent. The ​recent political landscape has ​shown the American people that ​the process of voting has been ​sidestepped and left us to believe ​that groups other than the ​American citizen are making the ​decisions about who and how ​they're running our country. The ​National American independence ​party have decided to do things ​differently this election.

Glitter Gold Star

we have decided to give the voice ​and the voting power back to the ​people, through an educational ​process called Community civics ​101, teaching us how to engage ​with our legislatures and having ​our voice not only heard but ​having access to making rule ​changes and more efficient ​processes for our bureaucracies.

Our party have positioned ​ourselves to make sure that the ​American people see progress ​before they vote for someone that ​they know absolutely nothing ​about, their abilities to achieve a ​desired end, results!

Shooting Star Icon
Shooting Star Icon

we have, stepped into the ​information and technology age ​and will be harnessing the power of ​social media to push the algorithm ​to let the American citizens know ​that they have hope and choices ​for this 2024 election and that they ​will not and do not have to be told ​who to vote for, by the design of ​individuals who believe that we are ​not capable of putting people in ​position to represent us, to help us ​to administer the services and ​resources that we need to run our ​communities.

Glitter Gold Star
Glitter Gold Star
Shooting Star Icon


join us today at:

and become a part of the solution ​to fight for our communities, states ​and country, so that we have ​communities that thrive, a country ​that can not be divided and be a ​people who are willing to uphold ​and live by our constitution and ​keep the promise of prosperity in ​this country, so that our children ​and those who seek the American ​way of life will have a path to an ​attractive future in America.

360° circle of concern

around our


360° circle of concern

around our



Dizzy Stars Object
Falling Stars Illustration


Changing the way America engage with their

Candidate's at the local, state and federal ​level. Unbaised vetting of all candidate's.


404-552 -5352


Engagement training






Still open

watch for on Amazon

Thick Wavy Line



Thick Wavy Line






Use at your ​porch parties, ​make copies ​and give to ​guest to ​SHARE. 3 by 1

Cut pages ​down the ​middle then ​Fold back. ​Insert in qtr. ​folded front ​page

Media kit pg. 2

Print on sticker paper

Our First Woman ​President

Angeline L. Payne

Bumper sticker

Have your printer print on bookmark paper



National American ​independence Party ​Presidential Nominee

It's Time!